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Rodger Fox and the NZ School of Music Big Band performance in Parliament’s Grand Hall

Rodger Fox and the NZ School of Music Big Band performance in Parliament’s Grand Hall




On Wednesday 8 May 2024, the New Zealand Parliament played host to a memorable evening of music and dance from the 1940s. The Speaker's Concert Series, an initiative by the Right Honourable Gerry Brownlee, invited distinguished guests to enjoy the performance of the New Zealand School of Music Big Band, led by renowned musician Rodger Fox in the Grand Hall.


The concert was a resounding success, with Members of Parliament from all political parties and parliamentary staff in attendance, as well as friends and associates of the performers. The atmosphere was electric, with the music and energy of the performers captivating the audience.


The Speaker's Concert Series is a wonderful initiative that showcases New Zealand's cultural heritage and brings people together in a joyous celebration of music. The success of this event is a testament to the importance of promoting the arts and culture. We hope that this concert will inspire future generations to continue to appreciate and support the arts.



Photographs by Fraser Carson -




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