PLEASE DONATE and support ...
50 years of unrivalled contribution to Jazz.
In 2024 this iconic Big Band celebrated history. It's the 50th Anniversary, and in true Rodger Fox Big Band style, they completed five national tours featuring international artists that brought a series of unrivalled world-class musical performances. Support us below or READ MORE
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The Rodger Fox Big Band is governed by a registered Incorporated society - The Wellington Jazz Orchestra Incorporated, which has charitable status. (Charities registration number CC42057) Donations to The Wellington Jazz Orchestra Incorporated are therefore tax-deductible.
Privacy Policy
Your privacy on the internet is important to us and we are committed to maintaining the privacy of website users and supporters.
We keep names and contact details on file to help with fundraising and event promotion. We do not share the information you’ve given us with other parties without your explicit permission. We will not make your street address publicly available.
If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from our email list, you may do so using the link in the footer of every email.
Return & Refund Policy
A payment to The Wellington Jazz Orchestra Incorporated via this website is a donation which will be used to fund the work of the The Wellington Jazz Orchestra Incorporated.
The Wellington Jazz Orchestra Incorporated is a not-for-profit organisation which supports the New Zealand arts and the jazz / blues music scene.
If you have made an error in making your donation or change your mind about contributing to the The Wellington Jazz Orchestra Incorporated, we will honour your request for a refund made within 5 working days of your donation. Any donation made using a credit card or bank account fraudulently will be refunded.
Refunds are returned using the original method of payment. If you made your donation by credit card, your refund will be credited to that same credit card. If you believe an error has been made with regard to your donation, or you wish to make an amendment to a future donation please contact us on email at
If you wish for more information about donating to The Wellington Jazz Orchestra Incorporated please contact us by email or write to
Wellington Jazz Orchestra Incorporated
5th Floor, 39 Webb Street, Mt Cook
Wellington 6011
Charities Commission Number: CC42057
Transactions are made in New Zealand Dollars and are processed and secured by Windcave, a payment management solution provider.