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50 years of unrivalled contribution to Jazz.

In 2024 this iconic Big Band celebrated history. It's the 50th Anniversary, and in true Rodger Fox Big Band style, they completed five national tours featuring international artists that brought a series of unrivalled world-class musical performances. Support us below or READ MORE

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The Rodger Fox Big Band is governed by a registered Incorporated society - The Wellington Jazz Orchestra Incorporated, which has charitable status. (Charities registration number CC42057) Donations to The Wellington Jazz Orchestra Incorporated are therefore tax-deductible.

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If you wish for more information about donating to The Wellington Jazz Orchestra Incorporated please contact us by email or write to

Wellington Jazz Orchestra Incorporated
5th Floor, 39 Webb Street, Mt Cook
Wellington 6011

Charities Commission Number: CC42057

Transactions are made in New Zealand Dollars and are processed and secured by Windcave, a payment management solution provider.










Over the last 50 years, the Rodger Fox Big Band has become an institution, creating a unique and unrivalled contribution to the New Zealand arts and music scene. On a shoestring budget, we have performed throughout New Zealand along with some of the biggest names in jazz and blues.

Many of these artists have also given much of themselves back to music, for example, presenting educational workshops.

New Zealand jazz and blues fans have been able to see these artists in concert through a lot of hard work both musically and financially by Rodger Fox and members of the big band.

We very much thank for your support and donation so we can continue our efforts to keep fostering jazz and blues in New Zealand.

Best regards
Rodger Fox Big Band

Other ways to give

Have you considered leaving something to the work of the Rodger Fox Big Band in your Will? It’s a great way to leave something good for when you no longer need it yourself.

Click to learn more.




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